HierarchyLeaves imply branches, branches trunks, and trunks roots
ConfirmationAre you sure you want to proceed?
ModularityWorking together is better
ChunkingStep by step
ConstraintEven learning trains can have tracks
Flexibility-Usability tradeoffWith great power comes great responsibility
IterationThere are no mistakes, just happy accidents
PilotingGet ready for takeoff
Progressive DisclosureA little goes a long way
Hierarchical organization is the simplest structure for perceiving and understanding complexity.
Confirmations prevent unintended actions by requiring verification, or providing verification, of a behaviour.
Modularity refers to interchangeability of individual parts across products.
This is a test to see whats where
A constraint is anything that limits the actions available on a system to ensure a predictable outcome.
The more flexible a systems is, the harder it is to use, but easier to use systems are often less flexible.
Iteration is the self-conscious awareness of a design process that involves a certain amount of anticipated failure, with room for revision.
Piloting means testing a workshop out before the students participate.
Providing layers of information at the speed they can be learned, and diffusing information in helpful ways.